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        Sustainability [Infographic] LG Chem’s Next-Generation New Growth Engines: Eco-friendly Materials 2023. 06. 01
        Making a leap towards a global science company, LG Chem selected Battery Materials, Eco-friendly Materials, and Innovative New Drugs as their next-generation growth engines and announced detailed growth strategies. LG Chem plans to convert their business structure, putting eco-friendly materials and sustainability at the center. The company set their target to increase sales of eco-friendly materials from $1.4 billion (KRW 1.9 trillion) in 2022 to $6.2 billion (KRW 8 trillion) by 2030. Learn more about LG Chem’s next-generation growth engine, ‘eco-friendly materials’ with the following infographic!

        You can download the infographic by clicking on the link. []


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