What is Brand Identity (BI)? It refers to the image people associate with a particular brand, including its logo, visual elements, colors, and even abstract concepts such as its products, services, and philosophy. In other words, brand identity is a unique impression of a brand. People experience brand identity through various elements, including its philosophy, logo, colors, products, and services.
What is LG Chem’s brand identity? In 2020, LG Chem announced their vision: “We connect science to life for a better future.” This vision connects ‘science,’ a combination of accumulated knowledge, technology, and solutions, to the ‘life’ of humanity to move toward a ‘better future.’ LG Chem’s brand identity, established in March 2022, also embodies this vision.
Moving Towards a Science Company Leading Sustainability
LG Chem has established their brand identity from their vision. To achieve the vision, LG Chem pondered on their role and what kind of image and message to convey to their customers. After much consideration, LG Chem re-established their identity as science beyond the conventional image of chemistry. From there, LG Chem established their brand identity (BI) as a science company and a leader in sustainability.
Visual designs have been developed instead of linguistic expressions to communicate LG Chem’s brand identity (BI) to customers. The core values of Customer Focus, Agility, Collaboration, Passion, and Sustainability have been infused into the design motifs. Furthermore, a color scheme has been devised to align with LG Chem’s environmentally-friendly and science-focused image, establishing a unified brand identity.
The graphic motif image, which symbolizes sustainability and connectivity, is created by cutting out the wave pattern design into lines or planes. These elements are also arranged in various directions and layouts, allowing for flexible use.
LG Chem uses a consistent design of their graphic motif for product packaging, brochures, signboards, advertisements, web pages, and videos. LG Chem is enhancing their brand identity to communicate its meaning effectively and approach customers more warmly. LG Chem will continue to strive tirelessly to ensure that their vision and brand identity, which aim to connect science to life for a better future, are well communicated to customers.
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